If you enjoy scandal and exposure of people in high places, check out this site.
It has links to our old favourite "The Kirkby Times".
I wonder if theLiverpool City Council Library will let me have a look?
Mentions of our own modern day Spartacus, if you read between the lines.
Has this anything to do with you Mr Parish????
Check below for whats promised or see link
osted by admin under
Local News
The Liverpool Times
Coming soon; The Liverpool Times, a local website that speaks the truth and tell it like it is. Working class wisdom combined with the Christian and socialist past of our great city is mixed in with a little bit of good old rebellion and served up to the lying hypocritical councillors, politicians and the money grabbing groupies who ride on the gravy train. We’re sure you’ll like it.
Freedom of Speech
We will be offering local news, from the areas of Liverpool, plus forums to have your say on the issues that matter to us. We’ve got cartoons, photos, tributes, defamation, music and videos. We’ve also got banned material on Sonae making a come back, and other material which local councillors and politicians see as defamation, but the rest of us see as the plain honest truth. Thankfully The Liverpool Times is hosted in the USA and therefore can publish more contentious material than you might in the gagged U.K. No matter what people say about America, we have to envy their constitution, but in many ways, it is just an idea that we once had, and never followed through.
We also host and take onboard all the Kirkby Times material. Whatever happened to all the news there? We’ll spill the beans on the appalling censorship of a groundbreaking local website and the harassment of people involved. Regular writers and whistleblowers who contributed to the Kirkby Times will be happy to know that you’re welcome to continue the good work here. Bored office workers, especially those in the local councils, will probably see this website banned, with previous Liverpool websites. From gunboats at the Mersey to banned websites, the legacy of working class struggle lives on.
We hope you’ll join us here on The Liverpool Times, and contribute material to the website. We are using sophisticated software which allows users to make comments after approval is given. You will need to submit a valid email address to join in the comments and regular contributors will be able to post up articles from any computer they might be using, as long as it has internet access. We don’t want any idiots. Rules of engagement will exist. Anyone making comments that are prejudicial against the poor and working class will not be tolerated.
In the meantime, you can check out our tribute banners by altering the themes using the drop down list at the top left hand corner, just below the banner at the top of the page. There will be a few more banners added up till the launch date and afterwards. Local artistes are welcome to contribute artwork. All copyright remains your own. Plagiarists and cut and paste merchants won’t get far either.
If you fancy sending us some material, be it news or views, or history or an eye on the future - then email us. If you think you might be able to run a column on some subject of interest then submit some original work.
The Liverpool Times will treat all contributions with confidentiality. Right of reply is extended to anyone or any organisation who might want to put their side of things.
Tune in for more details soon. Long live Freedom of Speech in Liverpool.
One Response to “Coming Soon”
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August 5th, 2006 at 9:13 pm
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